Payback period and AE analysis

Payback period, Capitalized Equivalent(CE), AE analysis, Capital–Recovery Cost(CR)

#Payback period

#Conventional Payback Period(静态回收期)


静态回收期 = 累计净现金流量开始出现正值的年份数 - 1 + [上年累计净现金流量的绝对值/当年净现金流量]


Does not consider the time value of money.

#Discounted Payback Period(动态回收期)


动态回收期 = 累计净现金流量折现值开始出现正值的年份数 - 1 + [上年累计净现金流量折现值的绝对值/当年净现金流量折现值]


Cash flows occurring after discounted payback period(DPP) are ignored.



Method 1


Method 2

#Capitalized Equivalent Worth(等值资本化)

A special case of the PW criterion is useful when the life of a proposed project is perpetual or the service life is extremely long.

The capitalized cost represents the amount of money that must be invested today in order to yield a certain return A at the end of each and every period forever.

一次性投入以在以后的每个阶段(例如每年、每月等)产生一个确定的回报 A。


$$C E ( i ) = P W ( i ) = A ( P / A , i , N ) = A / i \ (n\rightarrow \infty)$$

#Annual equivalent worth(年金等值分析)

在评估项目时,如果使用现值分析 (PW) 应当保证两个项目的分析期(项目存活周期)相同。如果不同,可以采用最小公倍数法统一分析期,但这种方法很麻烦。这种情况下,可以使用年金等值分析,计算每一年的平均花费,然后进行比较。二者的关系是 $\mathrm { AE } ( \mathrm { i } ) = \mathrm { PW } ( \mathrm { i } ) ( \mathrm { A } / \mathrm { P } , \mathrm { i } , \mathrm { N } )$。

#Capital–Recovery Cost(资本重置费用)

$$\begin{aligned} \mathrm { CR } ( i ) & = I ( A / P , i , N ) - S ( A / F , i , N ) = ( I - S ) ( A / P , i , N ) + i S \end{aligned}$$

$I$ 为一开始购进设备的花费,$S$ 为设备的残值。
